

Case and Point

On CNN, Larry King recently interviewed five Christians listed in a recent Time magazine article as "the most influential evangelicals" today.

Notice who King feels comfortable arguing with and pushing to extremes. Notice the ideas King is prepared to berate. Note the predictable dose of condescention when certain topics and opinions appear. Note the ignorance of what language the world speaks, which phrases invite ridicule.

But notice how when a generous, healing answer is given, things move on. Notice that when someone articulates a self-sacrifical position and says I'll walk that path with hurting people, how the interlocutor must move on. There' s really no controversy when someone gives an answer that focuses on loving other people. Best for King to find the sword swinger, so he can improve Ted Turner's ratings.

Here's a command that's not found in the 18th chapter of Leviticus, but ought to be forefront on the mind of any Christian stepping in front of a TV camera: "I am sending you out to be sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." (Mt. 10:16)

We need more hissing from those who say they speak for our community.


Blogger Kelly Cook said...

I think you are cute. Can I write that as a comment.

anonymous... uh... yeah

4:52 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Na, I just meant to bring in the serpent image and meant nothing more by it.
Thank you for the complement!

7:11 AM  

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